
we've all got our motives

The Lost Republic is home to 5 different factions that player characters can join. Each have their own codes and expectaions


Sith Order


Faction-Specific Rules

  1. You cannot know the language sith unless you are in the faction.
  2. A Sith Order Member cannot wield a saber until they have reached level 4.


Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.


The purpose of the Sith Order is to bring order to the galaxy by any means necessary. Through death, genocides of planets, destruction of everything people hold dear to their heart the Sith will use to get their way. Their is no order without chaos and the Sith know that all to well. Your journey begins in the Sith Academy where you will learn from the brightest minds the Sith Order has to offer. If you survive the Awakening Trial you will rise and become a member of the Sith. Over the long journey ahead of you, your path in the Sith Order will get dangerous. Succeeding in the five trials set before you you will rise to become a master in the order. Teaching others just as you were taught those years ago. Who will you kill to become great? When will you strike to rise beyond the rest? For the Sith their is only one purpose. one manifesto, one reason to live; destruction of the Republic.

Sith Hierarchy

Hierarchy The Triumvirate
Emperor can only be taken by a Dark Lord who has challenged the sitting Emperor. No one of a lesser title may challenge the Emperor.

Shadow Hand Assistant and second in command to the Emperor. Most commonly given to a Sith Lord who is being groomed to take on the mantle of Emperor. Of course, the title of Emperor will not be given lightly.

Sith Executioner is a title given to one of the strongest Sith warriors. This person is a one man army and is given missions by the Emperor to do missions in which only death needs to ensue. They work mostly alone and works closely with the Aegis.

The Overseer is in charge of training the sith. A keen warrior, archeologist and philosophy fanatic. He is the point of contact for acolytes and Sith eager to learn. A veteran of many battles and strong with the dark side.

Sith Ranks

From lowest to highest title:

Sith Hopeful

Hopefuls, which are also known as Dark Empire Trialees, and will use the tag -[DE-T]- if the current game allows active change in a user's name. They are people who are eager to join the Dark Empire and embrace it's Sith ways in whatever game we support. These are players that are being tested to become an official Dark Empire member and be accepted as an Acolyte. A trialee is determined by a one week test through trials, activity, and mainly respect.

Sith Acolyte

Acolytes are generally new players to the Dark Empire, and if they are not learning game mechanics from the specific game, then they are most likely learning our rules and ethics.

Sith Adept

Adepts are classified as an experienced Sith Acolyte, a trained and harded Acolyte who knows the ways of the Dark Empire. Adepts are promoted due to activity, maturity, contribution, and having a broad perspective of our clan.

Sith Apprentice

A Sith member who has proved that they are worth training. They have shown great skill as a member of the Sith and have received the backing of a sith master to train them. (FROM WARRIOR ONWARD YOU ARE GIVEN THE TITLE MASTER AS WELL)

Senior Apprentice

Senior Apprentice is given to an apprentice who is working toward their final trials to become a lord. Once you get to this phase, either death or success will allow the change of role. Still takes on training by the Overseer.

Senior Warrior

They train for player vs player engagements and become the direct fighting force and team spirit of the Empire. A sith warrior can only become a sith lord once they do a glorious deed that brings immense glory to the Sith.

Sith Lord

A Sith Lord is a general or commander to a specific game. They help the Dark Council moderate Dark Empire communities and answer only to the Dark Council and Dark Lord. There may be multiple Sith Lords per game depending on the activity and demand, each having a seperate roll in administering the flow of events and activity.

Sith Emeritus

A Sith Emeritus is the rank bestowed to a former Dark Council member of the Dark Empire. It is received when a Dark Council member can no longer actively contribute as a leader, mostly due to inactivity. Out of honor, they retain the Darth title.

Sith Overseer

The Overseer is in charge of training the sith. A keen warrior, archeologist and philosophy fanatic. He is the point of contact for acolytes and Sith eager to learn. A veteran of many battles and strong with the dark side.

Sith Executioner

This is a title given to one of the strongest Sith warriors. This person is a one man army and is given missions by the Emperor to do missions in which only death needs to ensue. They work mostly alone and works closely with the Aegis.

Shadow Hand

Assistant and second in command to the Emperor. Most commonly given to a Sith Lord who is being groomed to take on the mantle of Emperor. Of course, the title of Emperor will not be given lightly.

Dark Council

The Dark Council is the highest form of authority below the Dark Lord, consisting of, at max, twelve members. Typically a Dark Council member is assigned or directed toward a specific regement of the guild itself. They are the only members in -[DE]- allowed to carry the Darth title in front of their name. They are also a branch of advisers for the Dark Lord, set to help guide the clan's progress and movement toward success. If the Dark Lord is not present, the Dark Council acts as the main governing body.

Dark Lord

The ruler of the Dark Empire, and dictator of the empire as a whole. There is only one Dark Lord of the Sith whom acts as a guild master or clan leader. The Dark Lord of the Sith is the absolute commander of the clan and always has the final say in -[DE]- matters.

Imperial Army


Your purpose is to the serve the Sith Order until the fateful day that you die. The Imperial Army is comprised of numerous corps to grow within the army to fit all of the needs the Sith Order needs. You will fight relentlessly for the Order and will handle the dirty work the Sith Apprentices would never do but your job is nonetheless very important. If their were no army members the Sith would not be able to operate, you are the backbone of the Order and the strength behind the power of the Sith.

Rules before joining:

  1. Can't have a saber unless given in a mission or personal quest.
  2. Can't choose one of the three force sensitive classes: sentinel, consular, guardian.

Imperial Army Ranks

From lowest to highest title:


As a recruit you have just been sent to the Sith Army. You now begin the grueling process of being trained to standard to join the ranks of the army. The training will be tough and many of your comrades will die, but if you survive the reward will be great.

Level: 1


As a private you have just began the grueling process of rising up the ranks in the Sith Army. You and many others who have passed their first trial will begin the first path to serving the sith. You begin to gain more insight on working as a team and performing all of your military tasks in the sith way. You also begin to explore Dromund Kaas to understand the layout.

Level: 3


As a specialist, you begin to grasp the eyes of many of the higher ups in the army. You begin to learn how to specialize your skill for combat. The training center is equipped with a hologram sensor to create any battlefield needed to hone in your skill. Level: 5


As a corporal, you have risen up the sith ranks to begin your time leading others into battles. You are now able to lead fire teams, consisting of two to three soldiers. As a corporal, you are trusted by the higher officials to complete and lead tasks to victory. Failure in any mission leads to high demerit lost, since you are leading these missions.

Level: 7


As a sergeant, you have more trust than before to lead more soldiers. You are now able to lead squads of five to ten soldiers. As stated before, failure in any missions leads to high demerit lost since you are leading these missions. You are also given a light weapon of your choice to show the sith’s pleasure at your skill.

Level: 9


As a lieutenant, you are picked out to serve under a major of the army who sees potential in you. You are now able to lead platoons consisting of fifty to 100 soldiers. You are allocated to a special chamber where you live 5 other lieutenant.

Level: 11


As a captain, you are now able to lead companies consisting of 300 soldiers. You begin the process of being sent into more tougher combats. Your job is primary based around using intimidation and strength to get your way. You are able to leave the planet on missions and are entrusted with the ability to make calls to get the job done.

Level: 13

Majors - (Apprentice)

As a major, you are able to lead battalions consisting of 1500 soldiers. You are sent to battles to win small wars for the sith order. After every battle you ensure that there is no trace of your existence was ever there. You are feared for your strength and your skill brings chills to those around you.

Level: 15

Colonel - (Senior Apprentice)

As a colonel, you are now able to lead brigages of 7500 soldiers. You are sent to planet based battles in both space and on land. Your skill is immense that you are now able to lead full scale planetary battles. You are able to wield navy and land battles.

Level: 17

Moff (General)- Sith Warrior

As a moff, you are one of the few people with this rank. This rank is only given after a glorious battle you undergo for the army or for a great task you do for the army that brings much success. You are given your own space in Dromudn Kaas and are able to sit in on Dark Council meetings with authority from the Grand Moff and the Emperor. You are part of a larger council that runs the sith army. You have the ability to make decisions that can change the output of the army and make decisions to begin battles.

Level: 19

Grand Moff- Sith Lord

As the Grand Moff, you lead the Sith Army. You serve only to the Emperor, while the Sith Lords may have the same rank as you they are unable to force you into a decision. They are able to rule alongside you but they always have a higher standing against you as they are force sensitive members of the sith order. You rule the sith army with the help of the other Moff’s.

Imperial Army Corps

  1. Imperial Reclamation Service
    Division within the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge that was responsible for the archaeological expeditions to recover both alien and ancient sith artifacts. They also handled the responsibility of combating threats represented by such relics.
  2. Imperial Medical Corp
    Division within the Sphere of Biotic Science that was charged with the medical treatment and care of the Imperial forces.
  3. Imperial Diplomatic Service
    This corp’s job was to handle all diplomatic issues that related to the Sith Empire. They handled tough negotiations but still had the needed skills to handle themselves when negotiations turned bad.
  4. Imperial Diplomatic Service
    This corp’s job was to handle all diplomatic issues that related to the Sith Empire. They handled tough negotiations but still had the needed skills to handle themselves when negotiations turned bad.
  5. Imperial Intelligence
    This corp's job is to procure information from all sources of the galaxy. Through any mean or resource available information must be extracted.
  6. Kaas Military Police Force
    This corp is here to bring peace through the Sith Empire. They solve crimes, investigate the dark murders throughout the galaxy and so much more. Only the most inquisitive of minds can survive in this branch.
  7. Imperial Conquest Consolidation Corp
    This corp's job was talked with securing newly-conquered planets and unruly populations. They also ensured the destruction of locations and people that were on the target list of the Empire.


Jedi Order


Jedi Code

There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge
There is no passion, there is serenity
There is no chaos, there is harmony
There is no death, there is the Force

Jedi Ranks

From lowest to highest title:

Padawan Learner (1-3) / Padawan (4-5)

From their inception into the order (typically at a young age, but there are exceptions) Padawan learners are trained in the ways of the Mind, the Blade, and the Force. However, living and studying in the temples is hardly all they do. Padawans of this era are frequently given acting responsibility on small scale combat missions for the Republic Navy, as well as accompanying their masters on missions of higher importance to the Jedi. Padawans are the heart of the Order, for without those to tend the flame, the light will surely falter.

Knight (6-10) / Senior Knight (11-14)

Jedi Knights are peacekeepers in a galaxy still rife with strife even in it's most peaceful era. Knights carry this responsibility everywhere they go, doing their best to bring harmony. Some Jedi feel this must be accomplished through consensus, an Order speaking with one voice. Others have grown accustom to the respect they command, and are known to act independently to effect change.

Master (15-20)

Jedi Masters are fully realized wielders of the cosmic power known as the Force. Their lives are storied beyond measure and they have seen the furthest reaches of the galaxy and the deepest depths of the soul. Some have even peered through time. Their voices and actions resonate across the galaxy as they lead the Jedi Order.


Tenets of the Jedi Order

Jedi Alignment

With over 10.000 Jedi Knights in the Galaxy interpretation of the Jedi Code is wildly varied and different from Jedi to Jedi.

How closely you follow the Code is a PC choice that will, over the course of that PC’s life, lead them to become either a Paragon or a Renegade. There are those in the upper rank of the Jedi Order who favor both, and becoming more strongly affiliated with either alignment will allow you to become closer to those that favor your side.

Expectation of All Jedi

As protectors of the Republic, it is tasked to each and every Jedi, even those who are not Knighted, to be an officer of the Republic. As such it is your duty to ensure the safety of its citizens to the extent of your very life. Yet it is not our way to make brash decisions. Your every action will be weighed by the Jedi Councils against the Code of the Jedi. The New Sith Wars have hardened our Order as warriors. It is our highest duty to use our strength and wisdom to the benefit of the Galactic Republic.

Galactic Martial Remnant


The end of the New Sith Wars ushered in a new era of peace in the Galaxy, and with it the end of the grand fleets and armies of the Republic. Significantly demilitarized, the Republic turns its attention away from war, and onward towards governance. However, the need for a fighting force is never nonexistent and so the Galactic Martial Remnant fights on!

GMR Ranks

From lowest to highest title:

Ensign [1-3]

Lieutenant [4-5]

Navy Ranks

From lowest to highest title:

Commander [6-8]

Captain [9-10]

Rear Admiral [11-12]

Vice Admiral [13-14]

Admiral [15-18]

Fleet Admiral [19-20]

Army Ranks

From lowest to highest title:

Major [6-8]

Lieutenant Colonel [9-10]

Colonel [11-12]

Brigadier General [13-14]

Major General [15-18]

General [19-20]


From lowest to highest title:

Operator [6-8]

Officer [9-10]

RA: RM343-K Clearance Required [11-14]

RA: RM343-K Clearance Required [15-18]

RA: RM343-K Clearance Required [19-20]

See the link below for the full and current Republic Faction Primer. The info listed here is abbreviated.


"No, Republic characters cannot do Crime as a downtime activity."

Agents of the Grand Hutt Council

[At this time Agents of the Grand Hutt Empire is accepting new characters in limited quantities. Please PM the DM. We are far above the target number of force sensitives and will not be accepting force sensitive classes at this time, however force sensitive subclasses and feats are still available.]

Based out of Nal Hutta and overseeing all of Hutt Space, the Hutt Grand Council maintains an elite group of agents. These Agents of the Grand Council, or simply "Agents", perform a variety of tasks on behalf of the Hutt Grand Council to maintain order. While the Grand Council has a representative from each clan (called kajidics) and meets regularly to discuss larger matters, daily activities are handled by the Hutt Ruling Council, sometimes called "The Five Families." Agents of the Grand Council will take orders directly from the Hutt Ruling Council, but are also bound to every kajidii appointed to the Grand Hutt Council.

Agents of the Grand Hutt Council work directly for the government to oversee an unruly corner of the galaxy. Though some individual Hutts may engage in immoral or shady dealings, Agents are expected to maintain a high level of integrity and not perform any illegal activity while on missions. You are expected to obey the Ruling Council in their orders and perform any task required, but you are not criminals and will represent the Council in an official capability.

Code and Expectations

Do you have what it takes to be an AGENT?

Agent Ranks

Field agents who work at Headquarters of the Agents of the Grand Hutt Council will receive their missions directly from the Ruling Council members. When not on a mission from the Ruling Hutt Council, field agents answer to to the Director of the Agents of the Grand Hutt Council, Deputy Director, Assistant Directors, and Deputy Assistant Directors assigned to the field offices. Every inhabited planet in Hutt Space should have a field office and at least one agent assigned at all times, though agents operating on missions from the council are not required to check in with local authority or the local field office prior to mission completion.

From lowest to highest title:

New Agent Trainee

Fresh agents who have completed the 6 week training course will be issued an Agent badge to enact the will of the Grand Hutt Council, and will personally receive missions from the Hutt Ruling Council. Initial missions for New Agent Trainees will be simple to reflect their overall experience. Occasionally more experienced agents will be demoted to trainee if their standing falls low enough, but this is seen as a harsh punishment due to the low standing Trainees have.


As an Agent of the Grand Hutt Empire, you can expect to accomplish tasks ranging from simple tasks for trade partners of the Hutt clans, all the way to assisting more senior Agents with critical missions of top importance. An Agent badge is expected to command some degree of authority over local governments, and all Agents are expected to maintain an image that proves superiority of the Grand Hutt Council.

Special Agent

With experience and standing comes the Special Agent title. Special agents are recruited into one of the specialized Taskforces to focus their skills. Special Agent missions often carry risk of death and dismemberment. Special agents are also issued one standard issue Scyk fighter for personal use and customization, allowing them to undertake space combat missions without being forced to use a larger transport. Special agents have autonomy to operate on their free time, allowing them to conduct minor criminal/non-criminal investigations of their choosing, and they can requisition assistance and occasionally resources from a local field office if they require it for a mission.

Senior Special Agent

An experienced special agent who has shown that he is able to complete his special tasks within a Taskforce are granted additional rank and privilege. Senior Special Agents are expected to represent the values that the Agents of the Grand Hutt Council stand for.

Supervisory Special Agent

Only the most elite agents are promoted to a supervisor title. Supervisory staff are expected to troubleshoot issues where other agents have failed, and are often sent on life or death missions on a regular basis.

Agent Alignment

Agents of the Grand Hutt Council fall everywhere on an alignment chart from light to dark and from lawful to chaotic. Agents work for the Hutt Council, and while their tasks will likely require them to participate in immoral activity, light side Agents will focus on the good that unifying large cartels and clans will do towards preventing unnecessary conflict and hostility. All agents likely to use the many opportunities available to them to gain personal wealth and standing, and this breeds a large amount of corruption among the Agents.

Faction-Specific Rules

Class Restrictions:

All classes, including force sensitive classes, are available to the Hutt agents. With that being said, playing a rogue force user is likely to draw the attention of other factions, such as Sith or Jedi, and will likely to face consequences for their reckless use of the force.

Item Restrictions:

Lightsabers and light weapons are extremely rare in this setting. To obtain one, you will likely be building it yourself or acquiring it through combat. You can not start with a light saber, or buy one outright.

Starting equipment must be picked from the Player's Handbook. You may instead pick credits and do with them as you wish, but you may not start with any extended content or WH content.

Revives and Bacta Tanks:

In Hutt Space it costs money to revive, and that much Bacta costs 10,000 credits. A player character can prepay this fee, or at the time of their death, if they are eligible, all of their items will be liquidated to pay for their treatment. If the money can't be raised, no attempt at Bacta treatment will be done.

Additional Info

certain races are strongly encouraged in the hutt empire: Hutts! Although if you want to play a hutt, talk to me first. We encourage them, but Hutts are very special in Hutt space due to the longevity and priority placed on Hutt life. Additionally Hutts who join the Agents of the Hutt Council can expect additional starting reputation and reputation with their house. Noble Hutts in particular enjoy this boost. Nemoidian! Anything that is a merchant would be great. Klatooians, Toydarians, Weequay, Gamorreans are from hutt space, and are classic Hutt agents.

Glorious Mandalorian Empire

Mandalorian...the word used to strike fear and despair into the hearts of our enemies and those that opposed us. The stars were ours and life was good. We have lost the spark...that seed of life. Our clans are scatters to the stars and systems...we must unite and bring about the changes needed to unify our people and bring the glory and honor again.


Background of Mandalorian or be initiated/born into a Mandalorian clan. Absolutely NO force users will be accepted. You will be hunted down and killed if you show any force use (force users destroyed our empire once, we won’t make the same mistake again)

Race Bans:

Besides normal race limitations...
These will be case by case, but any race with force sensitivity is banned for obvious reasons. Any species that would require deviation from a standard suit of armor is also banned (with some exceptions; ex Rodian would be allowed as minimal changes to helmet). No droids, must be organic based life form.


Besides normal equipment limitations...
No lightsabers
Starting characters follow creation rules as normal
Special beskar items and Mandalorian equipment will be available as you gain the ranks. Beskar is extremely rare though, so you will have to prove your honor and dedication to the empire before you’ll be allowed to hunt for it.

Clan Structure:

More will be explained as more is discovered and politics play out. For now, the clans have been scattered for many years and they are unsure of how they fit in the new empire. Agreements and alliances will need to be forged going forward to establish the empire once again.


From lowest to highest title:

1st Rank - Verd (Level 1-3)

The same word as "warrior", a Verd is a competant, highly trained soldier of Mandalore.

2nd Rank - Ruus'alor (Level 4+)

The Ruus'alor is a veteran soldier and warrior. He most frequently commands squads and patrols and is responsible for basic discipline as well as being a liason between higher ranking Mando'ade and the basic soldiers.

3rd Rank - Alor'ad (Available level 7+, bestowed and not all earn)

Alor'ade command a company strength unit. Usually, they are men and women with many years of service to their clan and the Mand'alor, and are veterans of many battles.

4th Rank - Aliit'alor (Level 15+, bestowed and not all earn)

Aliit'alor are both high ranking generals and the chieftains of their respective clans. Depending on the size of their clan, an Aliit'alor can expect to command anywhere from brigade size units, to whole divisions, to full corps and even whole armies.

5th Rank - Mand'alor (Any level, must wield the Darksaber)

The singular and ultimate title of Mand'alor is bestowed upon only one man or woman at a time, and he or she commands the Mando'ade both in times of war and of relative peace. He or she is the end all be all of Mandalorian society, and is the commander-in-chief of all Mandalorian forces across all theatres of war. A legitimate wielder of The Darksaber is also considered the current Mand'alor.

Corporate Commission

Durasteel skyscrapers. Sleek suits. Fancy speeders. Rise and fall of galactic stocks. Treacherous companies. Slippery corporate ladders...welcome to the Corporate Commission.

The Corporate Commission (CC) Faction provides another approach for RP within the Lost Republic. This faction concentrates on the use of credits, control, influence, subtlety, diplomacy, and direct action to advance their goals. In addition, the faction is laced with inter-faction politics, which adds another unique element. Here are some sample organizations from canon that will be featured in this faction: Of course, due to the timeline, some of these organizations would be in a fledgling state and not near as strong and established as it would be in a later era—or might not exists at all.


The PCs start out as contractors, hired by GalacTalent, a prestigious talent firm, that specializes in finding "troubleshooters" for contracts they receive from the many organizations within the CC In time, if the characters show their worth and showcase both their skill and discreetness, organizations will sponsor and even hire the PCs.


Almost any background can work, but Force backgrounds are highly discouraged.

Classes and Subclasses

CC characters may not take Guardian, Consular or Sentinel. These classes can be earned in-game, but it will be rare and a story in and of itself.
Force Archetypes are rare. You will be discriminated against if the Commission discovers you are using Force powers. Death for openly using force powers is a possibility.


Any (according to server rules)


Any allowed at character creation, except for lightweapons


Each PC will eventually become affiliated/sponsored by a conglomerate or a specific corporation. This will occur in-game.


*All PCs begin at Rank 1, no matter the level.

Rank 1 - Investor

Rank 2 - Executive

Rank 3 - Supervisor

Rank 4 - Sector Manager

Rank 5 - Director

RP Opportunities

Standard sessions are the best opportunities to build the foundation of your character's story with your DM. Text channels across the Discord are available for players to interact with one another and explore their stories further. Some channel-exclusive characters or roles (like news anchors!) may be available as you explore the universe and get involved.