Our Rules

the rule of two isn't the only rule here

  1. Treat everyone here respectfully.

  2. Our server is PG13 regarding sexuality.

  3. NO homophobic, racial or derogatory slurs will be tolerated.

  4. Keep text channels on topic.

  5. We take cheating and character tracking and logging very seriously.

Game Info

What is this server?

Our community is being built so that fans of DnD, Star Wars, and persistent worlds can come together, both in cooperation and competition, to explore the galaxy and further the goals of their characters and factions. We draw heavily from West Marches style of gameplay, yet something that makes Star Wars so iconic are its factions, and the diametric opposition of these factions plays into the central tension of our RPG. This calls for a type of game that is a little more varied than your average West Marches.

Who can I play?

As the player of a new first level character, you are in a great position to play as a low ranked faction member or initiate, such as a Padawan, who is embarking to prepare for or find the trials that will see them promoted. At this point your experience is 0, reflective of a PC who has trained or overcome enough adversity to be considered a gifted combatant, keen explorer, or powerful presence. But their true tests lie ahead of them still. Create your backstory accordingly. This is to say that you may begin as an older character, but higher ranks and character levels will be given out sparingly and at faction DM discretion.

Who are the major NPCs?

As you can imagine, the Jedi Grand Master, Guild Marshall, and Sith Emperor are all very high level characters. Such characters and the retinue of NPCs they trust most (and are also high level) will be busying themselves outside of the scope of the game. The faction lieutenants whom you will be dealing with will be in the second tier, and will be wardens, teachers, and others who are dutifully staying within their faction headquarters to help the players in their faction.

Which Star Wars era are we in?

995 BBY, but in character, let's call it 5 After the Ruusan Reformations (5 ARR). The Galaxy knows relative peace, and the Jedi and Republic have vastly demilitarized in the hope of returning to the role of keepers of said peace. It is a time of much growth, opening new regions of exploration on worlds all over, and allowing the rise of nefarious new threats seemingly lost to Legends history.

So there is faction PvP?

To begin with, most missions will be contained and have nothing to do with another faction, but depending on the will of the members, you may choose to grow more aggressive towards, or have an opportunity to attain something from, another faction. This would likely begin as you and your party doing battle against NPCs from another faction. Perhaps it may begin to look like two groups who have to complete opposing tasks. And at its most extreme, it will be direct player vs. player conflict. We intend to host special events where players can sign up to partake in special missions of these types, yet player agency is also important to this style of game, so feel free to share ideas with your faction members and DMs about what your character wants to do.

But I don't want my character to die! Why would I do that?

Character death is an unfortunate reality in all DnD games, but I understand the concern when it comes to PvP. By no means will you ever have to partake in PvP (perhaps unless you're a Sith, who thrive on inter-faction PvP). But we do intend to incentivize in such a way that makes it worthwhile, while keeping the stakes high

How does experience work?

You collect experience at the end of a session based on the encounters you have defeated. Characters with a lower level are entitled to a slightly larger share than others. And characters with no intention to help do not get any of the share. Social encounters, explorative challenges, and similar challenges may also award xp based on the challenge.

Player Kill XP

A PC's experience pool is equal to 1 CR for every four levels rounded down. This is further broken down into four quarters which are acquired in PvP over three steps.
  1. Just for engaging another Player in meaningful combat, you attain the first two quarters.
  2. You attain another quarter of the xp pool if you incapacitate or defeat them in any manner other than killing.
  3. You attain the final quarter only if you gave your all against an opponent and were killed.
If you are slain in such a manner by an enemy PC, and revival is not an option you have or prefer, you can create a new character at your new total XP, as long as they work for the same faction, and are of an opposing faction to your killer. If only one of these conditions is met, you can create a new character at 75% xp, as opposed to 50% as usual. Note that you are given no additional XP beyond half the pool if you slay a PC. In fact, by doing so you are typically making the opposed faction stronger.

Can I play multiple characters?

You can! You may begin with two characters, your alt character must be 2 levels below your main character on this server. They may still gather xp, but their effective level will always be 2 below your main character's level. You can switch mains by telling any involved faction DMs and committing to only be a reserved character for missions, able to gain xp and use downtime freely, yet capping their max effective level until overtaken by double on your new main. You may create an additional character when your main reaches level 10. This character must remain two levels below you first alternate.

What happens if my character dies?

Aside from the Player Kill exception, death with no means of revival is the end of the road for your current XP pool. If this happens, you are able to create another character with half the value of XP of the deceased character. If you remain in the same faction, you get an additional 25% of the pool. If your character death saved other member of the team (a teammate would have a high chance of dying had you not sacrificed yourself) then you receive another 25% of the character's xp pool. Let us know in #character-tracker (in Discord) if you are switching mains with the advent of your new character.

XP through Session Summaries

While their are many ways to gain experience through role playing and encounters. Another way to gain experience points for your character is by writing summaries of the sessions that you partake in. Once you write a summary of the session please send it to the DM that ran the session for you to approve and post on the respected channel. Only one person can write a summary at a time so please contact your DM to be approved to write up the summary. Exp earned through the summary method will vary by your characters level. Every level = 25 experience points (Example, level 5 character would receive 125 experience points for writing the summary, 5 * 25 = 125)

Setting Info

The Star Wars galaxy is incredibly expansive, so to quickly find locations of planets and stars use the following star chart.


Far, far away, or near—too near.

Homebrew + Variants

Sometimes we don't agree with rules as written (or we just want everyone to have really cool and overpowered characters...). See this document below for the most up-to-date version of our Homebrew + Variants rules, or scroll a bit more to see it all on this page.


"I didn't know that guardians start with two lightsaber forms!"

Create a PC

Instead of 'rolling' our characters, we 'draw' them. This system allows for partially randomized ability stats that still give you ultimate control of your array, and makes a balanced character for every newcomer to our server.

See the official character creation ruleset below.


"Commune with the Force is a force power option? Cool."

Downtime Info

General Information

All completed characters begin with 10 days of downtime (DTD) upon creation.
At 12pm EST on the 1st and 15th of each month all completed characters are eligible to receive 30 DDT.
Each PC’s accumulated downtime may not exceed 100 DTD
PC’s do not have to complete a single activity at once, allowing you to work on multiple things in the span of your allotted downtime, or pause progress towards a task to complete later.

Downtime Activities

The following downtime activities from Wretched Hives are approved: The following downtime activities are also available:

Selling Fancy Items:

  • 40 or lower: Your art goes unappreciated, no sale
  • 41-70: You make a steady profit peddling your craft (50% value)
  • 71-100: Your buyer sees something special in this work (100% value)
  • 101-110: Your buyer is enamored, "I have to have this!" (110% value)
  • 111 or higher: The buyer weeps at the sight of this work (120% value)

Deployment Rank 1:

You may attain the first rank of a deployment by spending 10 DDT working, volunteering, or studying on a Starship.

Practitioner of the Forms:

PCs with Force wielding classes and lightweapon proficiency may spend 20 DDT in the presence of a teacher, temple, or holocron that can teach them one lightsaber form.

Personal Quests:

PQs require a minimum of 15 DDT worth of Carousing, Espionage, or Research.
This investment covers travel for the PC making the personal quest.
Accompanying another PC on their personal quest requires 5 DDT.

How to Perform Downtime (When No Rolls Required)

In #downtime-tracker (in the Discord), leave a message with the following: This includes but is not limited to: bacta tank recover, crafting, and deployment.

How to Perform Downtime (When Rolls Required)

In #downtime-tracker (in the Discord), leave a message with the following with the highlighted information filled: After this, you may go to #dice (in the Discord) and ping @Downtime Rollers, HOWEVER, if you do not need to do the rolls immediately, please wait and we will get to you when we can. Please be patient with us!
A downtime roller must be present for your rolls unless a DM is overseeing it. If they are overseeing your rolls, please indicate this in your tracker.

Once you are done with your rolls: Make sure you edit your previous tracker to include your Results. Please do not post a new post. This helps prevent cluttering the channel.

A Few More Things

If you see a downtime roller already in dice and wish to do downtime, please post in the tracker before messaging them in #dice. If they are in the middle of someone else’s downtime, wait patiently until they wrap up those rolls. This makes it easier for us to Determine who’s rolls are who’s.

If you are doing multiple rolls, wait until your Roller indicates the week for the roll first before rolling. This helps us significantly when identifying which week has complications or results.

As much as we try our best, we sometimes miss you. This isn’t because we do it on purpose, but simply because so much happens in #downtime-tracker. Please notify us if we happen to miss you by pinging @Downtime Rollers or pinging one in particular in #dice.

Finally, in conjunction to the previous point, please keep conversation in #downtime-tracker to a minimum to help us not loose track of people’s posts!

If you need help, ask a Downtime Roller and they will be able to help you.

A Downtime Roller will answer your tag and provide you with the downtime command to roll.

Any rolls in #dice not supervised by a Downtime Roller WILL NOT BE COUNTED.

A DM is able to supervise downtime but should only be used as a last resort or if the downtime is closely related to a DM intervention.

Note: A downtime Roller does not need to be present for character stat rolls, just a DM.

Sample Pre- and Post-Roll Downtime Messages


Downtime Rollers

If you wish to join as a downtime roller contact a DM. (Interest does not guarantee position.) A downtime roller is not able to roll downtime for themselves. Being a downtime roller is a huge responsibility and not to be taken lightly.